For next weeks History lesson, I would like you to research information about this man. You will have seen him before. If you are unsure, ask a friend or a member of your family. Could you write information about who he is, and what impact he had on Britain and the War. Please submit your information below.
12/6/2015 01:37:16 am
Winston Churchill lived through two world wars and he was born in 1874 and he died in 1965.
12/6/2015 08:50:33 pm
This is Winston Churchill, also known as Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill. Not many people got along with this man mainly because he declared war with Germany. Soon later, Winston became the president of the United Kingdom. Ever since the War, this man is now extremely popular. Schools all over the universe are learning about him and how he saved Britain. But one question has not been answered yet. What would the world be like now if Winston Churchill did not exist? I believe that without Winston, Hitler might have taken over the world and our country would be a part of his. I am glad a Brave man ‘Winston Churchill’ stood up to Hitler!
12/6/2015 10:52:06 pm
This man is winston churchill and he was the prime minister of Britain for most of the second world war and was born in 1974 November 30th.He was the first lord of the royal navy.Churchill also made a famous statment" let us go forward together".
evie mae
13/6/2015 05:45:02 pm
He is called Winstern Churchal and he was prime minister of the united kingdom from 1951 to 1955.Also he was born on November 30, 1874 at Blenheim Palace.
evie mae
13/6/2015 05:49:36 pm
After this, Winston Churchill went into politics. He had a chequered career up to World War Two and was seen as something of a maverick. In 1900, he was elected Conservative MP for Oldham but in 1904, he left the Conservative Party and joined the Liberal Party, which, he believed, better represented his economic views on free trade. From 1906 to 1908, he was a Liberal MP for northwest Manchester and from 1908 to 1922, he was MP for Dundee.
13/6/2015 08:43:25 pm
He is Winston Churchil and he was primeminster of Great Britain he was only good at his job at war but was not very good when there was no war. He started his job in 1940 to 1945 and then got the job again in 1951 to 1955. He was a officer for the British army.He stood against Hitler and won him. Hitler wasn't very pleased he lost
13/6/2015 08:55:40 pm
He is Winston Churchill he was the priminister Wilest World War Two fighting was going on
13/6/2015 11:38:52 pm
Winston Churchill was the prime minister from 1940 (one year after the war) to 1945 (when the war ended) he was also prime minster from 1951(he was 76) to 1955,but he was still a member of parliament for 9 more years.Churchill was born in 1874 and he died in January 24th 1965 (he was 90 when he died).But he was never remembered for his age he was remembered for his amazing speeches.
13/6/2015 11:41:26 pm
Winston Churchill
14/6/2015 01:29:02 am
Winsten Churchll was born in November 30th in 1874 near Oxford and he had a brother called Jack.Churchill was prime minister for most of World War 2.people remember him as a war leader.That he is well known for his fantastic speeches.But he did other inportent jobs in a long life full of adventure.He died in 1965.
14/6/2015 02:16:14 am
Winston Churchill was born in Blenheim Palace, on November 30th 1874. He was Brittan's prime minister through the first world war. Although Churchill was achieving low grades in school, because of this in April 1888 he was sent to a boarding school near London, he still managed to join the royal Cavalry. When Neville Chamberlain resigned Churchill was chosen to be prime minister. Winston Churchill's farther worked as a statesman and his mother was a New York socialite. In 1899, Churchill left the army to peruse a job as a war correspondent. In 1904 he was elected a member of parliament.
14/6/2015 05:19:01 am
Sir Winston Churchill, born at Blenhein palace on 30th November 1874 died 24th January 1965. Winston Churchill lived through world war 1 and world war 2. He was the prime minister first from 1940 to 1945 and he was elected again and was prime minister once more from 1951 to 1955. He was a good prime minister during the war but after, his opinions weren't appreciated as much. He was a confident man and he always stuck to his word and his famous quotes says 'We shall never surrender'
14/6/2015 06:50:56 am
Sir Winston Churchill was born[1874-1965] served as the prime minister of great Britain from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.He lead Britain's fight against Nazi Germany in world war 2.Churchill was a talented public speaker,giving many amazing speeches to boost national morale during the war.
14/6/2015 07:33:36 am
Winston Churchill was an inspirational statesman,writer,orator and leader who led Britanto victory in Second World War.He served as conservative Prime Minister two episodes - from 1940 to1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. He was born on 30th November 1874 at Woodstock and died jan 24th 1965 in London. He saw some military action and took part in the battle of Omdurman in 1898.
15/6/2015 02:38:59 am
Winston Churchill was born in 1874 at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. He joined the royal military academy at Sandhurst and took part in the battle of Omdurman then the Boer war were he was captured and held prisoner before he escaped. After this he left to go into politics. In 1940 he became prime minister and during the war he was the most dominant figure in british politics, a role that received huge praise once the war was over. To many people in Britain his stand against Nazism and all it stood for summarised why the war was being fought. His speeches have become part of legend . "Fighting on the beaches" or his two finger salute to the men in the Battle of Britain.
Luke D
15/6/2015 02:56:23 am
Winston Churchill was the prime minster of Great Britain from 1940-1945 and then he was elected again to be prime minister in 1951-1955. He helped The country to defend against the German Air Force (Luttawafe) in the battle of Britan and through the rest of the war.
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