Add your thoughts on Curriculum week below. What did you enjoy and why?
30/6/2014 07:22:23 pm
During curriculum week we visited St Johns,King James and Bishop Barrington.At king James loved art because we made World Cup team flags.My favourite part about going to St. John's was using the Bunsen burners in science.We had three days at bishop Barrington but the best part was trampolining.
Ben s
30/6/2014 07:25:10 pm
This was cooooooooooooool
30/6/2014 07:25:24 pm
I enjoyed doing the bunsen burner because we got to learn how they make fireworks with different gases . I also liked the different coloured gases and we got to play with fire . I also liked the history at bishop Barrington we did World War One we learned that the rats lived in trenches and eat the dead body and lice lived in soldiers socks . The ICT was hard I struggled a little bit but I got in the end I made a football match . I loved ICT at Barrington because we made pictures black and white .
30/6/2014 07:25:36 pm
I really enjoyed curriculum week especially the trampolining at Bishop Barrington. I also enjoyed visiting St. John's and completing the history. At king James we completed art,drama,duke of Edinburgh and we learnt circus tricks. It was very fun!
30/6/2014 07:27:58 pm
I really enjoyed curriculum week my favert thing In St. John's was the bunson burners. In king James I really enjoyed the dramer about the war 20 years ago. I n bishop barington I like trampling.
30/6/2014 07:31:48 pm
From the 23rd - 27th June year 5 went to curriculum week. We went round three different secondary schools and learnt a variety of new things. On Monday we went to St. John's and our first lesson was science. We used Bunsen burners and had to change the colour of the flame using chemicals. Next we did health and social care , before having lunch. Our final lesson was history. On Tuesday we went to king James and our first lesson was drama. It was intriguing as it was based on a war that happened 20 years ago. We also did duke of Edinburgh , art , and circus. For the final three days we went to bishop barrington and did many lessons including food , were we made pizzas , maths and P.E
30/6/2014 07:34:47 pm
I really enjoyed curriculum week especially when we did P.E at Bishop Barrington. I also enjoyed doing science at St. John's.One of my favourite parts were the duke of Edinburgh where we put tents up and created coordinates.
30/6/2014 07:36:58 pm
I engoyed siance with mr Stuart I engoyed doing the Bunsen burner it was my best week of year 5 I engoyed physical edgacation it was good doing history,drama and food.
30/6/2014 07:37:25 pm
Last week was the best week ever we did all sorts of fun and interesting activities St. John's 7/10 king James 9/10 Bishop Barrington 10/10
Molly r
30/6/2014 07:37:59 pm
At St. John's the first lesson was science and in science we learnt about the Bunsen burner. We all had to get a partner and my partner was Ava. I didn't dare set it to light so I told Ava to go get the match and set it to light. So what she had to do was go get a match and set it on fire then carefully walk over to our Bunsen burner then when she got there I had to to the gas on. Ava then had to hold it over the Bunsen burner until it set a flame.
30/6/2014 07:38:41 pm
Curriculum week was awesome going round barington and all the other schools we went to being like a real student I felt grown up and proud
Ben s
30/6/2014 07:39:11 pm
Curriculum week was the best week of year 5. We went to st.john's and did bun sent burners for our first lessen and that was amazing because we got to play with fire.we did Heath and social care we hat to make a nice meal but healthy. Then the best part of the day lunch.
30/6/2014 07:39:55 pm
Curriculum week was one of the best weeks of my life. On Monday we went to St. John's we did the amazing Bunsen burners and made the colur of the flame change . We did this by getting sticks soaked in chemicals such as copper sodium and much more . After we got our sticks we put them under the flame and the flames turned different colurs with different chemicals the colours were pink blue and purple ! On Tuesday we went to King James and we did a brilliant lesson of drama and in drama we did a routine which was really fun ! On Wednesday we went to Bishop Barrington and we learnt about the lungs and how the coordinate and function in our bodies . We also learnt that Bishop Barringtons food is delicious ! On Thursday we went to Bishop Barrington and we did a lesson on trampolining and I nearly broke my leg ! Anyway when we were doing trampolining we learnt a straddle a pike and a tuck which were really fun learning and by that time me and my best friend Molly made a friend from Barrinton called poppy or for short pops . On Friday it was the best day of the week we did lots of things and I won a tennis game ! We did trampolining again and I got to say goodbye poppy and she gave me a starburst loom band l in the end I was so upset that it was the end of curriculum week but I will be back to the schools one anyway .
On Monday we went to saint johns and our fist lesson was science and we learned about bunson burners and my partner was Romana .And first we started to get the fire of the bunson burners Romana went up to get that .
30/6/2014 08:07:07 pm
Curriculum week was the best week of my year 5 time. First we went to St. John's our first lesson was science. We did the Bunsen burners and we learnt how to turn them on and off. Then they were lollipop sticks with a chemical on it and we put it in the Bunsen burner and see what colour the flame went. There was the safety flame and the roaring flame. After that we did health and social care and we did the eatwell plate with milk and dairy carbohydrates fruit and veg and sugars. Then we had dinner they we went to the next lesson which was history in history we did detectives and finding out what type of person they were. They we went back to school. Then the next day we went to king James school our first lesson was drama theatre. We did a play about the countries spliting up in to separate. Then we did a flag of a team in the World Cup on a material. Then we went to dinner after we finished dinner we went to play outside in the yard. Then we did juke of Edinburgh with survival with tents.
30/6/2014 08:08:48 pm
They we went to Bishop Barrington for 3 days we did lots and lots of things
Ben s
30/6/2014 08:11:27 pm
The next day we went to king James and we did drama and we did when countries split up 20 years ago.then we did art and made flags.
30/6/2014 08:13:24 pm
I really enjoyed curriculum week I learnt lots of new things like using Bunsen burners,making cars,creating pizzas and learning how to be serious in drama.with all of the secondary schools I went to I overall liked St. John's the best but every school had lovely staff an the valley of the schools gave a lovely warm welcome!
1/7/2014 05:41:51 am
my comment whent a bit wrong at the end what i was ment to say was the the staff were nice and all of the schools gave a lovely warm welcome!
30/6/2014 08:14:41 pm
From the 23rd to the 27th or June we went to different secondary schools it was fun we used Bunsen burners for the first time mr Stuarts class at bishop Barrington it was funny.
30/6/2014 08:26:44 pm
During the past week been going to curriculum week.Went to King James,St. John's and bishop Barrington.At St. John's on Monday we did science using Bunsen burners.On Tuesday at king James first lesson we did drama second lesson we did art,we all got a different country and created a flag for that Barrington on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday we did science but my favourite part was
30/6/2014 08:30:00 pm
From the 23rd to 27th june it was curriculum week we had so much fun. On Monday we went to St johns and the leasons we did were science then we did heath and socialcare then we did histrory. On Tuesday we went to King James and the leasons we did were drama then we did art then we did Duke of Edinborgh then we did circus tricks.On Wednesday to Friday we went to Bishop Barington. I really en joyed curriclum week!
30/6/2014 08:31:13 pm
We went to bishop Barrington. I enjoyed when we did trampolining we did science and we I enjioyed technolageya
30/6/2014 08:33:17 pm
Curriculum week was amazing. We had the opportunity to make pizza, create and race wooden cars and we used chemicals to make fire turn different colours and even almost blind you. Each school was amazing but my favourite was bishop Barrington because we made a few things to take home with us including our own model car and also the pasta was delicious but my favourite sauce was bolognaise. Our final lesson was maths personally I found it easy apart from the final question who is Bart Simpsons best friend? Overall it was an amazing experience that I would love to happen again.
30/6/2014 08:35:20 pm
30/6/2014 08:37:44 pm
By far, Dt was the best. The fact that we made wooden toy cars in the space of an hour, is a personal achievement for me. Also, trampolining was great, so was science, and many more like food technology, drama and things like that. The food at St. John's and bishop barrinton. All in all, it was a great week
30/6/2014 08:49:20 pm
I liked science because we got to do fier and we don different coler fiyer.
1/7/2014 05:21:32 am
I love the Bunsen burners and king James with drama activity.
1/7/2014 06:08:32 am
i really enjoyed curriculum week as i got to experience new things especially in science at St. johns when we learnt how to light Bunsen burners , in history we looked at skeletons and how could we could find information about them. At king James i really enjoyed doing drama about Europe falling apart , i also enjoyed trying the juke of Edinburgh where we had to build tents in our teams. At Barrington I loved doing DT and also doing PE , in DT we made wooden toy cars. In PE i loved doing trampolining because gymnastics and tumbling is my favourite sport.
4/7/2014 06:04:15 pm
I loved gowing to Bishopbarting.
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