…but I thought I had enough time…
Please ensure this is completed for Monday at the latest.
Here in the UK we have gone into ‘British Summer Time’. This means that we had to put our clocks forward which meant that we ‘lost’ an hour! The prompt this week is:
…but I thought I had enough time… Please ensure this is completed for Monday at the latest.
1/4/2014 02:31:18 am
I had 90 seconds longer. 90 seconds longer to turn off the bomb, if I don't many people will loose their lives. The awful bomb was inside a primary. I quickly leaped into the school from the class room window and fled to were the horrid bomb was placed. I still didn't know how long I had left to save 198 lives. Then out of no were a class came pounding in my way. I knew the I had no time left... I let them pass as I realized that they would be safe. I wasn't. I thought I was as good as dead. The bomb exploded but I thought I had enough time left, I didn't!
Molly B
1/4/2014 05:13:49 am
We'll one day my mum said you only have 5 minutes to get ready and clean your teeth and I cried back "but what if I don't do it on time " my mum said nothing but you could see it in her face .So I got ready and cleaned my teeth and so I thought i had enough time to sneak down stairs and see wether there was any chocolate left in the tray . So I smothered down the left overs of the chocolate and sneaked back up stars just in time for my mum. my mum whispered "have you been eating that chocolate again " . I said nothing and then strolled off to school.
17/4/2014 05:54:24 pm
I was stuck in a maths test on the first question. Mr Turner said turn your paper over and swap it with your partner but I thought I had enough time, people will be crying laughing at me. I am going to be so embarrassed I am going to possibly have to stay in for dinner break time. But I am so hungry there is only one thing to do now which is just wait and see. I am praying for good luck because I really need it. So I sneakily took out my lucky bracelet and slipped it on
2/4/2014 03:02:06 am
Mr turner, is this the first Monday of the Easter break or the first teaching Monday as we return to school on a Tuesday?
5 minutes. That's all I have. 5 minutes to defuse a bomb that, in a matter of seconds, could kill thousands of people. 4 minutes, sweat beads run down my face. All around me is deserted, just me waiting for my death. Maybe I will be re-encarnated as a dog,a cat or a mouse. 3 minutes,the beeping is ringing in my ears and I struggle to breathe, unable to see clearly. Wait, I think I see a red wire, or a green, I can't remember which one to cut. 2 minutes, I feel like screaming. Every memory that I have is bouncing around in my head. 1 minute. Boom! Wrong wire...
4/4/2014 11:34:02 pm
WOW!!! i thought I had enough time well that did'nt work outmy mam was waiting outside panicing trying to find me like a needle in a haystack i was inside as the bomb was about to go off inside the school.It did'nt really bother me cause i hated my life there was a sighn on the door saying do not enter but did that stop me no well i peered inside a bunch of squriles were staring at me well this is awkward .BANG!!!
5/4/2014 02:10:00 am
If only I did what in was told, then maybe I would have survived. It all started years ago in the country side in World War two. I was only five at the time just messing around like kids do. Then I heard the radar. The enemies were coming ,their bombs were ready, ready to bomb everything in sight. My mother and father were shouting at me to follow them down the basement for safety. But I was busy I didn't want to go. Anyway the enemy planes never came near the country side . But that's when I went blank. The bombs were only seconds away at that moment but I thought I had enough time. But I was wrong. So make that a lesson to everyone always listen to your parents or you might turn out like me!
5/4/2014 08:54:52 pm
All our costumes were on; we were waiting for our cue to go on stage. The five minute bell had gone and the theatre was packed .You could smell the sweetness of the popcorn and the deliciousness of the chocolate. It was two minutes till curtain up, when to my surprise I looked down and oh no, I had the wrong shoes on! Emma and I raced up the stairs to change my shoes. The music started and the countdown for the show had begun. “Pippa hurry up”, Emma shouted “the curtain is going up”. We both flew back down the stairs nearly falling over as we went. “Sorry Emma, I said but I thought I had enough time before the show started. The other dancers were already on stage, we made our entrance. I don’t think anyone noticed!
6/4/2014 07:11:57 pm
Zzzzzz, the alarm clock sounds. I rub my eyes, the sun is shining through my blinds. Time to get up on this sunny Sunday morning, lots to do, get washed, brush teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast and style my hair. Well it is only 7am so I think I can watch a bit of Jessie or Goodluck Charlie, so I flick through the Sky channels. Mam reminds me to get a move on, I say " yes,yes ", " you will be late " mam replies. I begin to get ready, while watching TV of course. Just as I finish my hair mam asks dad " if he had remembered to put the clocks forward ". Oh no but I thought I had enough time.......
12/4/2014 10:57:27 pm
I was rushing to the airport to catch my early morning flight when I saw flames gushing out of the car in front. All traffic was then grounded to a halt ......... A policeman shouted "your going to miss your flight mate," I panicked and screamed " but I thought I had enough time!!" I was determined to be on that plane to New York so I pressed the turbo power button in my Ferrari and flew against all odds I got there just before the check in closed.
13/4/2014 07:37:09 pm
40 seconds .. 20 seconds .... the timer rapidly decreases. I try to fiddle with the wires but it's no use. I'm going to kill thousands of people. I said I could detonate the bomb , but I thought I had enough time back then . I look around , the walls are made of what appears to be steel and the floors are white marble. Frantic screams echo through the building and I think of the poor innocent people who can't escape. Then I see it the timer. 1 second. Then darkness. A banging sound wrings through my ears and I'm filled with guilt. There all dead... And so am I!
18/4/2014 08:46:28 pm
A few days ago I was playing out with my friends, we had to be back at five o clock. We basically just messed about rolling down a hill but then we wanted a game of hide and seek. At that moment in time it was quarter to five but that didn't stop us. Suddenly we realised we had been playing for twenty five minutes so we all rushed home. As soon as I arrived my mum shouted "Why have taken so long !" So I replied "But I thought I had enough time to play a game of hide and seek". Unfortunately because I was ten minutes late I was grounded.
19/4/2014 07:39:42 pm
One sunny summer afternoon, my friends and I went on an adventure, we set off with our backpacks full of food, we crossed muddy fields and flowing streams, but we eventually reached a great place to stop and build our den. We spent hours playing games and having lots of fun. I thought I had enough time to make it back home before it got dark and my family started to worry about me, but I was wrong the sun was starting to set and I was going to be late. I was in big trouble and I wasn't allowed out for a week!
21/4/2014 05:34:43 am
I had fifteen minutes. The time was what was making me nervous. Fourteen minutes. This was my chance to prove what I could do only in the time of twenty minutes. It slowly became to ten minutes,then to nine and then to eight. For the last time I look straight ahead and see a clock. Only five minutes left !! I hurry and stumble. I heard a crack it sounded like it was coming from my neck. Only two minutes left. Under pressure I make my final leep but I thought I had enough time. Until all I heard was "Times up"
22/4/2014 01:09:01 am
I had only 1 minute left but I thought I had enough time to do something I really wanted to. The thing I wanted to do was excactelly when the clocks went forward.
22/4/2014 04:54:37 am
Holly was sitting quietly in her class room when her teacher, Mr.Tell explained what they were doing. All Holly heard was they were doing a maths test. Holly thought that she can do the test. So she started 9 X 8=72 and 2 X 2=4 and all of a sudden she started to go to sleep. She was dreaming about a ginger chocolate bar and she just ate and ate and ate none stop. She was just dreaming but the worst thing about it was in the next 2 minutes she woke up and she realised that she only had 2 questions done and she said to Mr.Tell ‘but I thought I had enough time…’
22/4/2014 05:44:08 am
Tick tock tick tock 8 o clock, ahhhhhh fred woke up with a start if he diddent get up right now he would be late for school so he got dressed, did his teeth and hair, had his breackfast and finally he spinted to school . As he reached the school yard there was no one there so he silently creeped into his classroom and the teacher yelled"fred why are you here at half past ten"fred replied"i got here at nine o clock and I know that because of my watch suddenly fred paused for a second then realised that the clocks whent forward all you could hear then was fred say but I thought I had enough time to spere unlist I thought I did. After school fred felt really embarrassed and it was probably the worst day ever!
25/4/2014 03:12:44 am
It was the day of my holiday in spain. We all had to get up really urly in the morning to get to the airport in time . So we all got our suitcases and got into the car to go to the airport it was all going good untill there was loads and loads of traffic on the road because there had just been a crash about 400 cars in front of us."Were never going to get there in time for our plane". fianlly we got there but we were on the wrong side of the airport five minutes to get to the other side of the airport lets go right its a short cut .5 minutes later we 've mist the plane sorry i thought we had anough time .
30/4/2014 05:32:54 am
A surai is a japanese warrior. They fought evil people and each other, with there frightening armor. They have to follow a strict mortal code all there lives.
Molly r
4/5/2014 07:36:11 am
It was my first time doing a professional race and when I heard the first whistle blow I ran straight of onto the smooth stone ground. When my friend Lucy ran past me she told me that we only had three minutes left so then I replied back but I thought I had enough time. So I kept runnin
5/5/2014 05:19:30 am
Every morning we are always rushing about ,forgetting things and having to go back home so we tend to be late for school quite often.Last weekend we decided to attempt to be early for one whole week.For the first couple of days things seemed to be going to plan.We remembered our water bottles,bags,bus money and even our dinner money...this was so easy! The next couple of days also went well but then it came to Friday.Right from getting up things went wrong.No juice left for breakfast,no bread for toast,but I still thought we had enough time...
7/5/2014 05:17:29 pm
It was early in the morning when my alarm went on I couldn't get up because my eyes would not open so I pressed snooze for 25 minutes. When my alarm rang again I eventually Got up and went straight to brush my teeth and then went down stairs and put the TV on and I watched Jessie.my mam called me to come up and get dressed ready for school but I thought I had enough time to play on the computer on mathletics because I needed to do my homework otherwise I would get double detention of the head teacher
12/5/2014 06:20:52 am
When I woke up yesterday morning,I suddenly remembered that I needed a piece of fruit because we were going swimming.When I was ready for school we quickly went to Tesco.I ran to the fruit aisle and picked up an apple.We went to the nearest checkout so we could get out faster and then the chechout decided to stop working.After going to another checkout we eventually got out of the shop.As fast as we could we ran to the car and then we suddenly realised it was ten past nine but I thougt I had enough time!
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