As you can see, we have a picture for the prompt today. Take a really close look at it. There is a great deal to talk about in this picture. Where might this settee be? Does it look odd in anyway? Really be creative with the words you choose.
27/2/2015 06:14:37 pm
on a deep dark dangerous day a little kitten was born,but what that little kitten did not know was that if he ever went out on the night he must return before sunrise or he would turn to stone and anything around him.As he got older he began to behave very badly so his mother told him to go for a walk and come back when he calmed down,but he never came back he had found a old settee (he forgot all about the curse)and at sunrise all his mother found was her little kitten and a stone settee
27/2/2015 09:20:07 pm
The settee is old, ancient, and Ieadery. Sometimes people sit on it and feel happy. Others don't sit on it at all- they just admire it.
27/2/2015 11:39:17 pm
"Let's go to Hardwick, it's supposed to be educational"
28/2/2015 01:47:49 am
On the 26thOctober two boys were walking up a hill. One was called Toby and the other one was called Nick. They were both 11. When they got near the top, Toby said" let's rest on this metal sofa". When they sat on the huge sofa they were sent to a planet with living things on! When they woke up they were in a city with monsters. They started walking through the city they saw a monster with three eyes,spikes on his back and he was pink, the monster said "please can you get the meat out of my mouth" when they went in his mouth the monster eat them!!!
evie mae
28/2/2015 04:15:25 pm
One day,two girls went to the wood to fetch some sticks for their grandma.They both went out racing through the old wood, then suddenly there eyes wide open they saw in shock, a crooked elderly couch turned into stone.As soon as they touched the curved,cold couch, a witch appeared! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? ARE YOU STEALING MY CAT! as magic the couch and cat who was sitting on the couch turned black! They were so anxious they couldn't talk=part 1
28/2/2015 06:09:58 pm
Well here is my idea about this stone sofa.There once could have been a very old hut or house there and have been knocked down and every piece of furniture could have been left in the exact same place the person left it who once lived in there or could of??
28/2/2015 07:16:32 pm
Looking closely at this picture I think the settee is in a forest because ,firstly there are a lot of leaves and secondly bright and dark green trees. The settee looks like a metal bench that you could sit on if you were park. I think that the settee is metal because if you look at the of the top of bench you can see a squirrel which also could made out of metal. When I take a second look at the image it could be made out of stone !! This is a strange picture.
28/2/2015 09:20:34 pm
I walked through the cold damp forest and came to a clearing where I saw a nice big comfortable leather settee. I ran up and tried to slide on it but it was hard as rock. It was uncomfortable and it felt like I was in a movie based on the forbidden corner. It was weird because I always slipped off it and banged my face off the floor. It felt like a cat was really there, it felt quite amazing. It was a bit funny because I was pretending to be in the snow white story and me being one of the dwarfs.
Mysterious Sadie
28/2/2015 09:33:40 pm
Legend has it that there was once this lovely woman, Kathryn, who lived in a pleasant little village called South Oakmoor. She had the Worlds first cat, now that is what I call cool! Anyway this lady sadly died in the year 900... or did she? I will tell you what happened next. She went for a walk to her granddads grave to plant some flowers. The next day Kathryn started transforming into a witch. She screamed and then cackled, her transformation was complete. Kathryn disappeared and the only thing left was a stone cat sitting on a stone sofa!
1/3/2015 02:01:35 am
I was in my house in Washington, no one else just me. I thought that I would go and walk along to the park near my house. I never usually go there, but I was so keen. There is this strange bench and I don't know why they put in that particularly space! So I went to sit on it, but it didn't have any reason why was it there! It was very uncomfortable! I walked on to go to the park and then I had a vision of my sister falling off the swing. What was happening?...
1/3/2015 02:03:49 am
One winter morning, it was cold but sunny. I was outside in my cold tent! Then I woke up with the sound of nature in my head. I was looking around everywhere, but my brain had just gone blank. Then as I looked forward, I saw a settee laid with, about a million leaves . So I went a tiny bit closer and I saw, a light not just a light but a torch that I could find my way back to my precious tent and where I knew I was safe. All I could hear now was my heart pounding!
1/3/2015 02:09:52 am
I was working to the sea side when I saw this weird looking chair with a cat on top but it looked very uncunftable because it was made out of stone. I thought to my self it is not my chair that I would be looking for but still it could of been worse.When we came back the sun was making the chair look really nise because it was glowing of the chair.
1/3/2015 03:56:32 am
I think that the couch is made out of stone and i think it is not hundreds of years old mabye thirty four years old.It looks very untidy and uncomfortable but its very friendly.I wonder where it might be and if what we can see if you sit down on it is a nice view or not?.It looks like its in a forest because of the trees in the background , maybe there's a river nearby, or maybe its all on its own in a very quiet place .
1/3/2015 05:03:39 am
Once there was a boy called Sid his young cousin was coming over, she was called Juliet, she was about 5 and she loved hide and seek. Last time Sid left her in the park hiding when he was sleeping on a metal couch with a metal cat on it. Just when he packed his glorious memories back in his mind his mum opened the door with a picnic in her hand. She said "remember Juliet is coming and like always we are going to the park, don't leave her hiding and HURRY UP! And get dressed or pocket money is banned".
1/3/2015 05:19:43 am
As I strolled into the small garden a loud noise caught my attention. I started to walk towards the noise I noticed a dirty old couch. I didn't know what to do... Finally I had decided what to do; I ran towards the couch and the most strange thing happened. It grew arms and legs! I was amazed. After a few minutes I decided to run home and tell my mam. When I told her she didn't be live Mr so I took her to see it. When I got there the magic couch had disappeared! My mam thought I was going crazy but I wasn't. I never knew where it went and I still haven't found out. I don't think I will!
1/3/2015 02:59:08 pm
One Sunday morning I went for a walk down the park. On my way I came across an old settee made of stone blocks. It didn't look very comfortable but there was a cat sleeping on the top right corner of the settee. I think it had come from America and on the back there is a plaque to remember the people in the war that died. It got surrounded by the people who wanted to test the settee. It got so crowded I couldn't find my way home. After a while I found my way safely home
2/3/2015 01:56:22 am
I can see that this looks like a sofa made out of bricks but also it looks very uncomfortable to sit on . It looks like it is brown and black there is also a sleeping cat on the sofa too . It looks like it was made out of lether like my sofa but harder and black and brown , my is soft and squishy when you sit on it ,it is lovely. The sofa looks like it is in a forest in the picture .
2/3/2015 01:57:34 am
In the picture I can see that it's layed in the middle of nowhere and that's its a stone sofa and looks unpleasant to sit on.Compared to my sofa it looks as hard as a rock and also my sofa is inside rather than outside.But it looks realistic like it is somwhere in the world.I can also spot a sleeping cat laying on the sofa.If you look at the sofa closely it looks like it was meant to look like a leather sofa with tassels on the bottom to cover the legs.The only thing is there won't be any legs because of the weight of the stone. Also it looks a bit old fashioned.
2/3/2015 03:16:11 am
There is a sofa in the middle of the woods it looks extremely comfortable until you sit on it and realise it's made of metal. There is a cat that guards the sofa who looks really friendly and happy but doesn't say or move much because he's made of metal too. I wonder why the sofas there, I wonder who made it, I wonder if there's more metal objects in the woods??? I hope no one breaks it!
2/3/2015 03:26:25 pm
I was walking through the park and my dog started to sniff this very old bush! I started to tugg on the leed but my dog stud still I started to get suspicious! So I ran over to the bush and said to my dog "what is it boy and befor I finished my sentence he ran strate into the bush so I followed him. I Followed him into a sofa and he started to jump on and off it and I thought all that for nothing and went home.
3/3/2015 02:46:59 am
My heart beat quickly like it never had before. I was anxious but excited at the same time. I'd never been on holiday before at least not on my own, I was only 17 but very mature. Finally the train came and they shouted of lots of children from a list. For a second I thought I was at the wrong stop but then they shouted my name. "Heather Johnson" I made my way onto the bottle green train. It smelt funny a bit like chalk. I walked over to my sleeper apartment, 18. When I got there I was shocked to find I was in a posh room. I mustn't of looked very had as when I sat down by smoky black sofa I was expecting something soft but I got something hard! I stood up rapidly and then I realised everything had suddenly turned to stone and so was I. It started from my hands and moved on through all my body. Soon all that was left was a statue.
Madelene the funny story writer
5/3/2015 04:33:29 am
I heard a story that if you sit on this settee in the graveyard on the 1st of January at 24:00 then the flesh eating zombie will rise and take over the world!!!!!! Well obviously I had to find out if this was true. I sat on the settee at the right date and time. And waited and waited and waited but nothing happens so I decided to walk home. On my way home I ran in to old neighbour Mr.Stairs I said hi he grunted. Funny I thought he was dead gosh I must be tired. I woke up the next morning and I realised that when I sat on that settee I got bird poo on my favourite trousers and Mr.Stairs didn't even tell me I wish he were dead already.
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