…but where could I go…
Make sure you really think about your story and use your 100 words wisely.
Please ensure that you focus on your punctuation this week and don't forget capital letters!
The prompt for this week is a simple one! It is:
…but where could I go… Make sure you really think about your story and use your 100 words wisely. Please ensure that you focus on your punctuation this week and don't forget capital letters!
7/6/2014 03:09:11 am
The maze was full of monsters . Some that made your hair come of , some that made you scream and some that made you faint. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to meet any of the them. But I did. I was so stupid or how I wish I didn't follow the beckoning of the witches long crumpled finger. The maze was natural or was meant to be . It had burnt roses and twines of twig all over and dead ends and I really mean dead ends. Now all I can do is wait to be saved . After 500 years of waiting. And your probably thinking how can I be 500 ... well that's another story.
7/6/2014 05:53:49 am
It's raining,it's pouring,no time for snoring.
7/6/2014 06:43:05 pm
One day I was playing outside with my friends we were playing hide and seek in the street. It was m turn to hide but where could I go. There was not enough time for me to hide so I jumped into the bush so no one could find me. But then I heard a shout so I sneaked behind who was on and then ran away to go where that mysterious sound was coming from. then they found me because I had to run back home for my tea because it was 17:00 in the evening then I went back out to play again but everyone went back home for their tea and after that they stayed in because it was too late to play out again.
7/6/2014 07:02:14 pm
It was a sunny day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The start of the school holidays is always exciting but today I was bored, where could I go? what could I do? I told my mum how bored I was she suggested the seaside, go for a picnic or maybe a trip to Hamsterley forest. I chose hamsterley forest because I thought we could take our bikes and ride around the forest. Mum packed the car and our picnic and off we went. Riding through the forest was fun and we saw lots of rabbits and squirrels.
7/6/2014 07:02:25 pm
We were sat down on the sofa looking for where my cousin could go on holiday for her 18th birthday "but where could I go" she said "well mabey majorca" said mum. But my cousin ran straight up stairs within five minutes she was wating with her suitcases at the front door. My mum said we have got to book the flight first. My cousin said "well I knew that " so mum booked it . She even forgot the most important thing a hug from all of us ! Love you, and I always will,bye.
Molly b
7/6/2014 11:01:52 pm
I was running away from my life my brother was going to tell my mam that I got sent to the detention room (worst hour of my life) as I was running I thought to myself but where could I go . All the things around me where dead ends and bricks .I could see my parents chasing after me I quickly ran in to a near by cafe and hid in he toilets .Allof a sudden my mum came bursting into the toilets and then went back out .Where could I go know!
7/6/2014 11:38:00 pm
One day my friend asked me if I wanted to do a maze . I said yes I was really looking forward to it .so the next day I went to the maze with tim . Tim said "I am going to beat you " but the thing that tim didn't know was that the maze was full of monsters. I tried to warn him but he was gone to soon so I ran after him . He was at the end but monsters were closing in on me it was to late .
Ben. D
8/6/2014 01:02:35 am
Yesterday I woke up in a dark room. Blood was spilling down the walls, Mosquitos were every wear and there was a note. The note had get out written in a strange substance but where could I go? I saw no doors. Suddenly I fell through a trapdoor but it wasn't a dream I fell into some spikes. That's how I died and if you're wondering how I'm here to tell you this just remember ghosts are real otherwise you wouldn't of heard this story.
8/6/2014 02:11:04 am
We were face to face , his deep blue eyes locked on mine. He was coming towards me but where could I go. All i could focus on was the thought of ... Of ... Well never actually leaving. The room we were in was dark and the only source of light was a flickering candle in the very corner. The minute it burnt out I planned to run , not sure where though. Out of the door , I wasn't sure if there was one. But I didn't need to worry about any of that because the candle never did burn out , so I never moved.
Today, was the end of my life. I really messed up, with school, with home, with everyone. And now I'm going to pay. I trek through the woods, hoping to find shelter. It was easy enough in this dense forest but people were chasing me, urging for me to stop. But I didn't. I keep going until I hit a tree....
8/6/2014 04:07:29 am
It was a thunder storm. Nothing but lightning and black clouds filled the sky. It appeared to me that I was was stranded in this storm. I decided that I needed shelter ! But where could I go ? My house was two hours away. I had taken the wrong train. The thunder storm became worse. Every lightning strike had only just skimmed past my face. I looked around and saw a row of houses. I peeked in one of their windows and saw a streaming hot fire they were sitting around. Words can't describe how jealous I felt that very moment.
8/6/2014 04:12:40 am
“Mam, I am bored”I moaned to my Mam one hot summer morning. “Why don’t you go out and play”, suggested my Mam. “But Mam, there is nobody out playing”. “Well, go on a bike ride Pippa” “Ok then” I said, “but where could I go?” I replied. “Just have a ride around, your friends might be out”, explained Mam. So off I went on my bike ride looking for an adventure. Hopefully I would find some of my friends on the way. I came across a black cat which scared me, a scruffy grey dog which I think was meant to be white! Where are my friends? I turned a corner and there they were.
8/6/2014 04:13:40 am
it was early in the morning and i woke up and jumped because there was a loud noise in the kichen so i only thought that it was my kittens but then there was a loud noise that after that that sounded like gohst so i ran doun the stairs bulging with fear.when i got down stairs i opend the kicken door there was a haunted house replacing the kichen.it looked horible.i wasn't really scared of it though it sent shivers down my spine. I finally stepped into the mysterious, dangerous, old, crooked house. It was dark in the house and the halls were infested with spiders and old paintings of queen vicoria and spooky slaves. There was one painting that really frightend the life out of me because all there was, was a skull and a black background. As I walked deeper into the house there were horrifying zombies in every corner. They all surrounded me and I thought 'where can I go'? ...........
8/6/2014 05:34:20 am
6th June 1944
8/6/2014 08:58:24 pm
monday it was the first day of the summer holidays i was going to my nans house because my mam and dad is at work.when we got there they where having there breakfast after there breakfast my nan gave me a big book. "What kind of book is that" i said it a fairy talre book that your great , great grandmar used to read to her children. I went into the conservetry to syart reading I opened the book and suddenly i was getting smaller and smaller in two seconds i was in a diffrent world it was big and dark a person came over to me she looked like little red riding hood we started talking she said why don't you go and explore but were could i go.
9/6/2014 04:56:22 am
I was woken up by the sounds of waves splashing on the sand as I was stranded on a desert island .I was all alone with nothing to eat but the coconuts that had already fallen from the palm trees,
9/6/2014 05:04:01 am
There closing in on me this is the end of me they were coming but where could I go this is the end what am I going to do maybe just maybe some one would save me . I waited for hours and some arrived but unfortunately I was no more .
9/6/2014 05:34:07 am
On my birthday my mam said I could go wherever I wanted to go,but where could I go ?It was poring down with rain so it would have to be something indoors.There was nothing I wanted to see at the cinema, the swimming baths were closed because it was a Bank holiday Monday and Bamboozles was closed as well.Suddenly my dad came in and said that he had a surprise for me and we had to get in to the car quickly.It felt like we had been in the car for ages but then we pulled up in front of the theatre.It was a pantomime!!!!
14/6/2014 07:50:29 pm
I was running for my life ,they were chasing me where could I go! I was running out of time. The time machine would have left without me and gone to planet glouton this was a job for danger pants .That's me by the way I'm Joe and I love comic books they are my life people think its weird but there not they are cool. I came from planet glouton I'm on earth to find the aquarium of lindy so can you help aghhh .Pure darkness! I felt like my heart had been picked up it had !
14/6/2014 09:14:15 pm
Today was the day when all my family go to the river it was really cloudy and gloomy but we were up to walking down to the river. We all got our wellies and our rain coats and set of down the path to the River Wear.when we got into the woods I saw three black birds a robin and eight pigions .Suddenlyout of no where was a big landslide it was coming from every direction "go over there " said my dad.So we all went over there , there was not anough room for every body but were could we go.
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