…some of the words sounded like a foreign language…
This might give you the chance to practice using speech in your writing. Make sure your work makes sense. Reading it to yourself out loud can show you where you may need to tweak some punctuation.
Here's this week's challenge for you to write 100 words on.
…some of the words sounded like a foreign language… This might give you the chance to practice using speech in your writing. Make sure your work makes sense. Reading it to yourself out loud can show you where you may need to tweak some punctuation.
20/5/2014 12:37:43 am
I found the secret DVD. The one that told me to do something ... amazing. It started when I was digging in the garden then found an old box I didn't tell my parents I just went to my room. And cut long story short. I watched the video. The screen was jet black and all that I could here was a spine chilling voice telling me that a secret formula had been found . Some of the words sounded like foreign language but I could understand it quite easily . And I cant tell you what the secret formula can do but I can tell you this call me if your clock hands start going faster.
20/5/2014 01:17:48 am
Everything was strange. Jumble up letters and weird symbols. A shiny red button sat neatly at the very bottom of the Great Wall. Don't push it don't push it I kept thinking to myself but I urged to so much. The minute my finger touched it someone started to speak. Some of the words sounded like a foreign language but others i could understand. Help the word so familiar but the voice so far away. There was no door no windows not even a hole in the ceiling that the noise could home from. I was all by myself. I felt extreme guilt about what I was going to do. I couldn't see anything , I was so scared i ran away. To cowardly to even try. The guilt has never left me ... And this happened 70 years ago
22/5/2014 12:53:26 am
One day Tom was reading a book some of the words sounded like foreign language and it was very intresting then all of a sudden Toms sister came in and disturbed him he was very angry so he chased her down the stairs. But when he was gone a magic goblin came in and smashed all of his book up and that's why you should never chase your sister well unless you need to.
22/5/2014 01:22:18 am
I was down the town at this peculiar shop called Rajas Wonderful Workshop for short RWW . I asked him what he sells he started talking some of the words sounded like a foreign language he said a dinny dimension pet shop . Please could you leave he screamed why? I asked your not weird enough he replied . Well that was a waste of time.
Ben D
22/5/2014 03:08:19 am
The other day i was taking a test in literacy but some of the words sounded like a foreign language so I told my teacher but they took no notice what so ever. Suddenly I opened my tray but it was filled with blood. When I turned around I was in a dark room filled with dust and cobwebs. Will I ever see my family again...
22/5/2014 04:53:14 am
Suddenly I heard a Big Bang. I thought my dad had slammed the back door,putting the recycling out in the bin, dad did not like this job. If it was not that what was is it? It could be our new next door neighbors, my mam told me. I think maybe I was dreaming because as I opened my eyes my mam was knelt down beside my bed stroking my head. I closed my eyes again and started to drift off to sleep, suddenly I heard loud voices some of the words sounded like a foreign language. I alarmingly opened my eyes, my mam was still comforting me. I was having a nightmare!
22/5/2014 05:04:39 am
As I opened the cupboard I found a very old doll. Then all of a sudden she started speaking. I couldn't make out what she was saying but some of the words sounded like a foreign language which to me felt made up. I pulled the doll out of the cupboard and found that she was a magic doll from the land of fun. I never had been to the land fun myself but people say it is haunted. I looked at the doll and I saw that there was some sort of spirit coming out of her. Then I realised that they were coming to haunt my house. What was I supposed to do?!
22/5/2014 06:09:03 am
It was the day of the reading test. I opened up my test and began to fill in the answers. Some of the words were difficult, Some of them I couldn't understand and some of the words sounded like a foreign language. Around half an hour later the test was over. A couple of weeks later I received the test with my score on the front in bold letters! I scored twenty nine out of thirty. My highest score! That day I rushed home with a smile on my face. At that point of my dream I woke. I was dreaming ...
Molly r
23/5/2014 07:24:01 pm
When I went To the shop I asked for a book, but some of the words sounded like a foreign language I thought it was Spanish but then I found out it was Greek. I could not understand a word they were saying so I chose a book myself. All the books were in Greek so I thought to myself that this was no use to me what so ever.
25/5/2014 05:53:30 am
"Ok class, today we will be doing a language test. This week will be Dutch". The teacher was looking directly at me. I struggled with Dutch, especially under pressure. Oh man!!!!!!!! He started to hand out the test. I was sweating like mad, on my palms and on my forehead. Everyone in the class was staring at me, somehow I was standing on the table. " listen up! I've had enough of tests, especially language ones, and I'm going to do something about it..." And the rest came out in understandable Dutch.
25/5/2014 05:36:45 pm
This morning a letter came throgh the post and it simply seid its time for your kittens vaxinations. I knew it was a lie because they have already had them but anyway I did what it seid.After lunch I took them down to the vets and as soon as I got called in there was knowone there apart from a mystereous hole in the floor.I dident know what to do so I opend the door agein but it wouldent open so the only thing to do was to jump in the whole and find out what mystereous thing was in there. edventually after finding a place for the kittens to stay I hoped down into the whole.it wasvery cold and dark and the only creatures there were alians. it was wired at first because I thought some of the words sounded like forain language but then I gradually got used to the whole thing.it was great but time was ticking by so I dicided to get my kittens and go home...
28/5/2014 04:31:47 am
It was 2am; I had just woken up when all of a sudden a bright green light appeared shortly followed by banging coming from my wardrobe. I went to investigate. I slowly opened the door and there was a yellow slimly alien standing there. As I screamed it also screamed but I only screamed because it had slimed on my new t-shirt! It started speaking. I couldn’t understand because some of the words sounded like a foreign language, it spoke for a while then stopped, I thought I was dreaming so I went back to bed. 5 minutes later I woke back up and went down stairs because I could hear the washing machine spinning. When I got there, there was no one there but slime all over the floor.
31/5/2014 01:20:45 am
I went to Suffolk for a few days with my family. It was 10pm when we first approached there. This woman at the hotel reception started speaking but I couldn't work out what she was saying,some of the words sounded like a
31/5/2014 01:35:16 am
Foreign language. It sounded like she was saying blue pineapples love bricks. I have heard nothing like it! But I know why she was talking weird it is because she had a tooth extracted and they had to get a special gel put on her lips so they go all num and so she talks funny !! It was hard work confirming reservation and getting room keys
1/6/2014 04:04:46 am
One day my sisters buddy came over and she was talking to me but some of the words sounded like a foreign language . So I said to her sorry but I can't understand you but what I did dent know was that she was from a different country and apparently nobody else knew it was her biggest secret not even my sister knew this was a really big secret to keep from every one . She asked me if I could keep it a secret but I just couldn't do it so I blurted it all out so every body knows and she is very mad with me know oops
2/6/2014 05:07:21 am
Last weekend me and my friend went to the park.We walked passed two strange little people sitting on one of the benches.As we went passed we could hear them whispering to each other ... some of the words sounded like a foreign language.One of them waved us over but we were too afraid to go near them.They both looked the same and their skin was a funny grey colour.They stood up and started to walk towards us.We wanted to run but seemed to be stuck to the ground.Suddenly we heard the park keeper shouting to us.When we looked back the little men had disappeared!!!!
9/6/2014 05:08:25 am
In the first week of the summer holidays,me and my family went to London on the train.We had only been going a short while when I felt myself falling asleep.Suddenly there was people all around me,pushing and shouting for me to get off the train quickly.Some of the words sounded like a foreign language.I started to panic because I could not see my family anywhere.I tried to get to the doors but people kept pushing me back and I started to fall.Next thing I knew my Mam was waking me up,but it all had been a dream!!!
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